World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

The 27th of October is the UNESCO World Day for Audiovisual Hertiage, where archives, libraries, museums and other collecting institutions around the world celebrate the special qualities of the sound and moving image collections they hold. “Through images and sound, audiovisual heritage provides unique insight to the past as the basis for looking to the…

Changes to Library Opening Hours

From Monday 18th September, the Reading Room of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists will be changing to 10am to 4pm Monday-Friday, excluding English bank holidays and College closure days. Researchers wishing to access archive, museum and library collections outside these hours should email the Library and Heritage team to request an appointment. Where…

Pioneers: Louisa Martindale (1873-1966) FRCOG 1933

Louisa Martindale was a pioneering surgeon, an ardent suffragist and one of the most influential figures in Brighton in the early 20th century. She was Brighton’s first female GP. She served with the Scottish Women’s Hospital at Royaumont during the First World War and as a surgeon in London during the Second World War. She…